Friday 6 August 2021

Zejm-The Magnificent Present Writing

 he Present Wk1/2

Video Link (watch before writing)


Write 6 sentences that detail who the story is about, where the story is set, what problem/conflict happens in the story, how they handle the problem, how the problem is solved and how the characters change.

Sentence 1


One beautiful sunset afternoon a mum comes home and  hands the boy a present. Then the blinds open and then his mum goes on the phone and the boy opens the box.

Sentence 2


The boy opens the  box and sees a puppy  inside the box. Then the puppy jumps on the boy and then  the boy sees that the  puppy has a missing leg.

Sentence 3


The boy throws the puppy on the ground and then the boy goes back on his game. Then the puppy sees a red ball then the puppy gets up and runs towards it. Then when the puppy runs he runs into the cupboard hitting his head.

Sentence 4


When the puppy hits his head he shakes his head and then crawls under and gets the ball. When he gets the ball he takes it to the boy and sits  down and waits for him to throw it.  Then  the boy kicked it into the box that the puppy came in and then the puppy ran into the box, hiding  the dog. 

Sentence 5


Then the boy yells to his mum “ we'll be outside and the dog goes outside and plays fetch going up and down the front yard. 

Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

At the beginning the boy didn’t  like the dog because it had a missing leg like him. But then he starts to realize that he can still have positive energy too.

Now write a 100 word story that includes all the details above

One sunny  afternoon🌞 ,a boy glued to the couch playing on his x box was playing a video🎮 game when his mother came home with a present in her hands. When the mother👩 gave the boy the present, he didn’t want to get off his game. Then he opens the box and jumps the puppy on to the boy, then he sees that the 🐕puppy has a missing leg. Then the boy throws the puppy on to the floor and goes back on his game, then when the boy throws the puppy on the floor, then the  puppy sees a red 🔴ball and goes to get it. When the  puppy gets the ball, all of his energy makes him crash💥 into the cupboard.Then the puppy crawls under the cupboard and grabs the big bouncy red  ball and carries it to the boy. When the puppy carries it to the boy, the boy kicked it into the box and the puppy ran to it, failing and falling but eventually the puppy ran into the box🟫 making it hard for the puppy to see. When the puppy  runs back he gives the big round red ball to the young boy and then the puppy runs to the ball  and then brings it back to the boy.Then the boy  throws it back making the puppy run to the ball. When the puppy falls over, the boy grunts and doesn't care. Then the boy logs off the game and calls to his mother “ We're going outside🌄”Then they go outside and play fetch all day long and that's the story of the present. 🟫

To find out how many words your story is Highlight your writing and press CTRL + SHIFT + C (or go to Tools and click word count)

Here is my Present Writing me and my class did. 
Here is the Video so you can write your own story about the Present. 

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